The Writing Lab Newsletter is a pubication of the International Writing Center Association and is managed and produced by the RiCH Company, LLC. The RiCH Company maintains no editorial control over the publication. No Writing Lab Newsletter subscription fees are used for website hosting or development, subscription management, or other management work provided by the RiCH Company.


Muriel Harris, Editor
[ biography ] [ CV ]

Janet Auten, Associate Editor
[ biography ]

Mike Mattison, Associate Editor
[ biography ]


The RiCH Company, LLC.
260 E. Highland Avenue MH700
Milwaukee, WI 53202

Phone: (888) 348-6182
Fax: (414) 326-4829

Subscriptions to the Newsletter can be bundled with membership to the International Writing Center Association and subscriptions to the Writing Lab Journal. Direct subscriptions to the Newsletter are $25 per year and are available by clicking here. Bundled subscriptions are available for between $45 and $60 dollars at the IWCA's website.

Received a "Subscription Expiration" postcard? When a subscription is about a month shy of expiring, we send a postcard alerting the subscriber to the upcoming expiration and inviting the subscriber to renew either through us or through the IWCA. The postcards were designed to steer subscribers to the correct place to resubscribe, and the postcards do list how the subscriber subscribed initially. We mail a second postcard about a month later, capping the number of postcards any one subscriber receives to two.

If a subscriber resubscribes through us, the updated expiration date appears in our database immediately. However, if a subscriber resubscribes through the IWCA, it can take up to a month and a half for the subscriber's expiration date to be updated in our database. Therefore, it's possible for a subscriber to get a reminder postcard even after resubscribing through the IWCA. As the postcards state, if this happens, the postcard can be safely ignored.

Missing an issue? Interested in back issues or reprints? Issues will generally arrive within about the first three weeks of a given month. If, by the first of the month following the issue, you still haven't received your Newsletter, please email with your subscription details. Issues lost in the mail will be replaced at no charge. Back or additional issues of the Newsletter are also available for $2.50 per issue (including postage) by contacting the RiCH Company.