The Newsletter welcomes clearly written, useful essays on all aspects of tutoring writing and administering a writing center. Recommended length is 2500 to 3000 words for articles and 1500 words for Tutors' Column essays and reviews. Please include Works Cited and footnotes as you do a word count (and use endnotes rather than footnotes). Please use MLA style. Essays sent to WLN are sent on to readers for a double-blind review, and many of these readers then offer to work with writers as they revise.
- Click here for the current list of WLN reviewers and our Reviewer Guidelines.
News of regional writing center associations is invited, particularly Calls for Papers and conference information. (Deadline for conference information: 15 days before the month of issue in which the announcement should appear. For example, if the announcement should run in a February issue, please mail or e-mail it by January 15).
The quickest way to submit a manuscript for consideration is to fill out the form below. You are also welcome to send your manuscripts via e-mail to the RiCH Company by clicking here.
We have provided this information in the hopes of helping potential authors better understand the submission process for WLN. Should you have further questions or concerns, please send them to the editor, Muriel Harris, and/or one or both of the associate editors, Janet Auten and Mike Mattison via their contact information on the Contact page.
First of all, we recommend that potential authors read through past issues of WLN for insights on the way previous authors have addressed topics and readers. Remember that the readers of WLN are people who are involved in or interested in writing center work at all levels, including primary and secondary schools, two- and four-year colleges, and universities. They are directors, professionals, graduate and undergraduate students, and faculty tutors. Appropriate submissions will take into account this diversity of readers. Essays that are intended for composition classroom instructors should be submitted to the appropriate journals for those readers.
Before you submit an essay, here's a quick checklist:
- Article is under 3000 words (under 1500 if a Tutor's Column), including Works Cited.
- Article contains a complete "Works Cited" page, in MLA format.
- Any notes are formatted as endnotes rather than footnotes.
Who can submit an essay to WLN?
Anyone who works in or is interested in writing center work can send in articles, and that includes (but is not limited to) directors and other administrators, professional staff, graduate students, and undergraduate tutors.
What happens once an essay is submitted to WLN?
When an essay arrives, it is read by one or more of WLN's editors-Muriel Harris, Janet Auten, and Mike Mattison. They decide whether or not an essay is appropriate for WLN, and, if so, if the piece is ready to be sent out to a reviewer. The editors may occasionally make a request for revisions before sending an essay out to a reviewer if they find it promising but in need of more development.
Who reviews the essays?
We try to maintain a peer-reader policy, sending potential articles to reviewers who are also writing center directors or professionals and sending potential Tutors' Columns to other undergraduate and graduate tutors.
What does a reviewer do?
We ask our reviewers to do two things: 1) tell us if they believe an article or column is publishable, and 2) if they do believe it publishable, offer questions or suggestions to the author to help in the revision process (and it is the case that almost every article can benefit from some revision). We encourage reviewers to respond within a week or two as we do not want to keep authors waiting.
Can I work with a reviewer on revisions?
Many of our reviewers are willing to read further drafts and even work with writers if you are willing to take suggestions for revision. While we don't encourage reviewers to feel that they have to actively help with revising by entering into the composing process, we do encourage writers and reviewers to continue their conversations.
Does the reviewer see the author's name?
Not unless an author allows it. Our reviews are blind reviews, meaning that neither the author nor the reviewer knows the other's identity. However, we ask reviewers to let us know if we might release their names to the authors. If so, an author is welcome to write to the reviewer with further questions, and perhaps ask for comments on a next draft.
Can I revise and resubmit an essay if the reviewer does not believe it is publishable? :
The answers to this question will be as varied as the essays themselves. However, if a reviewer (or the editors) believe a piece is not publishable, then the revisions would most likely be significant enough that any resubmission would be classified as a new submission. Authors will be advised whether or not we would be willing to see a significant revision resubmitted.
Can I submit a conference paper to WLN?
Conference papers can be excellent starting points for articles. They allow us to think through and present ideas to an immediate audience, and they are usually written for that immediate context. An article for WLN needs to recognize that the context has changed (the phrase "please turn to your handout" would not make much sense to a reader), and it should be revised accordingly. A great way to gain a sense of the articles in WLN is, of course, to read through past issues and see how other writers have addressed the readers.
What happens when a reviewer believes an article or column ready for publication?
The piece then goes to the editors for another read. Occasionally, they have an additional question or suggestion for the author. When the author, reviewer, and editors are all satisfied with a piece, then it is placed in the publication queue. (And there is much rejoicing!)