MENEWCA Extends Abstract Submission Deadline
The Middle East North Africa Writing
Centers Alliance will be meeting on Feb.
17-18, 2011, in Dubai, UAE at the American
University of Sharjah. Their original deadline
for abstract submissions has been
extended from Nov. 1 to Dec. 1. For further
information, contact Maria Elftheriou (meleftheriou@
aus.edu). Conference website
is .
Rocky Mountain Per Tutoring Conference
Call for Proposals
April 1-2, 2011
Westminster College
Salt Lake City, Utah
"Writing Centers Come of Age"
The 2011 Rocky Mountain Peer Tutoring
Conference invites peer tutors to submit
proposals for papers, workshops, and
poster presentations that focus on this
"coming of age" process. Rather than
demonstrations of local practices, we
encourage submissions informed by research
and an awareness of writing center
theory. Submit proposals online at .
More information at . Submission
Deadline: January 14, 2011.
Southern California Writing Centers Association
Call for Proposals
Feb. 26, 2011
Riverside City College
Riverside, CA
"The Lay of The Land: Surveying Writing
Center Geography"
We ask participants to consider the geography
of writing centers, provoking literal and
metaphorical questions about the relationships
between writing center spaces (physical,
institutional, ideological, theoretical) and
the people within (and outside of) them.
Proposal Guidelines. Deadline: November
30th, 2010. Please include:
• Title
• Topic/Question you would like to explore/
Goal for your session
• How you will generate discussion in your
• 250 words
• Because this is a workshop, please present
anything you would like other participants
to see in the form of a handout
you will provide. Please bring 40 copies
to share.
For information on how to submit proposals,
please visit . For other questions, please contact
the Conference Coordinator, Denise
Kruizenga-Muro, at Denise.Kruizenga-
Registration fees: $20 per student, $25 per
director, payable to SoCal WCA, Mail to:
Corrine Hinton
Learning Enhancement Center
University of La Verne
1950 Third Street
La Verne, CA 91750
Northeast Writing Centers Association
Call for Proposals
March 12-13, 2011
Southern New Hampshire University
Hooksett, NH
"The Writing Center as Community Garden"
Keynote speaker: Harry Denny
Like a community garden, much of the
work done in the writing center involves
similar shared acts of preparing, planting,
cultivating and harvesting. Writing centers
and community gardens are sites where
diverse groups of people devoted to a common
cause work together. They create life,
through physical effort, education, sharing,
volunteerism, and continuous efforts to improve
their own processes and products.
The theme of this year's conference provides
us with new ways to look at our work
through this metaphor and framework.
We enthusiastically call for tutors, administrators,
and students of writing centers
to explore the metaphor of the community
garden and its connection to writing centers,
including the seeds we plant; the growth we
nurture; the pests we control; the benefits
we reap; and the transformations we see.
We invite proposals for workshops, roundtable
discussions, and panel presentations.
To view the full CFP, visit our new website:
Submit your proposal by December 1,
2010, electronically to the chair of the
NEWCA Proposal Reading Committee,
Kathryn Nielsen-Dube, at NielsenDubeK@
For other questions related to the conference,
e-mail the NEWCA chair, Kerry
Rourke, at krourke@babson.edu.
Assoc. or Full Prof. of Rhetoric and Composition / Writing Center Director - Northeastern University
The English Department of Northeastern
U. invites applications for a Rhetoric and
Composition specialist at the tenured rank
of associate or full professor, starting Fall
2011. Writing center scholarship is highly
desirable; secondary research interests open;
ESL/ELL, new media, or cultural rhetorics
are especially welcome. The Director of the
Writing Center will provide leadership for our
growing center staffed by graduate student and
peer consultants (see http://www.english.neu.
edu/writingcenter/). Course load for researchactive
faculty is 2/2; the Director position carries
an administrative course release.
The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in
Rhetoric and Composition or a related field, a
strong record of scholarly publication and an
active research agenda, and experience as a
successful Writing Program Administrator. The
position requires a commitment to working
with culturally and linguistically diverse
students in an urban institution with strong
emphases on global research and experiential
learning. Northeastern University is an
Affirmative Action, Title IX, Equal Opportunity
Employer. Northeastern particularly welcomes
applications from minorities, women, and persons
with disabilities.
Learn more about the English Department
() and our Writing
Program (http://www.english.neu.edu/
writingprogram). For further information
contact Chris Gallagher, Writing Program
Director, at 617-373-2193. Review of applications
began on Nov. 1 and will continue until
the position is filled. To apply, visit the College
of Social Sciences and Humanities website at
and click on
Faculty Positions.
Director, Reading Writing Center - Florida State University
The Florida State U. English Department invites applications
for the Directorship of its Reading Writing
Center (RWC), beginning in summer or fall 2011.
The Directorship is a 12-month continuing, nontenure-
earning position eligible for promotion,
professional leaves, and other faculty benefits. The
Ph.D. in English with a specialization in Rhetoric and
Composition preferred; successful candidate will
also bring knowledge of and experience with college-
level writing instruction and with writing center
practices. We are especially interested in applicants
who have writing center administrative experience, a
scholarly agenda connected to writing center work
and an interest in collaborating with our graduate
program in Rhetoric and Composition.
The RWC serves the entire FSU community through
three sites of activity: the primary site in the English
Department; a satellite site at the main library; and
another site, with a digital studio, opening in the
University's new learning center in fall 2011. Each
site provides tutoring for undergraduate and graduate
student writers; two of the three sites include program
events such as an annual Digital Symposium;
and each of them offers opportunities for research.
Responsibilities include managing and promoting
all three sites of the RWC; orienting and supervising
graduate tutors; working with a team of TAs to direct
the RWC's peer tutoring program; coordinating with
other campus student success programs and student
government; assessing the RWC's efforts on an annual
basis; and teaching one to two courses per year
in the Department of English.
To apply, please send a letter of application, CV, and
writing sample to Kathleen Blake Yancey, Chair,
Search Committee, English Dept., 223B Williams,
631 University Way, Florida State U., Tallahassee, FL
Applications will be reviewed beginning Nov 30.
Composition and Rhetoric, with WC/WPA Experience - Long Island University-Brooklyn
The English Department at the Brooklyn
campus of Long Island U. anticipates, pending
budget approval, a September 2011
opening for a tenure-track Assistant Prof. in
Composition and Rhetoric, with experience in
Writing Center or Writing Program administration.
Prefer candidates with a background
in Classical Rhetoric. A Ph.D. in Composition
and Rhetoric or English is required.
At LIU Brooklyn, the Directors of the Writing
Center and Writing Program rotate in threeyear
terms. The successful candidate will
assume directorship of the WC or WP after
a suitable period of familiarization with the
department (not to exceed three years), to
be negotiated at the time of hire. All faculty
teach composition as well as advanced undergraduate
and graduate courses. The position
of Assistant Professor requires nine credithours
of teaching per semester, research
and publication, and active service to the
University. The Directors of the WC and WP
teach six credits per semester.
In September 2010, the starting salary for
Assistant Professors is $62,874. Starting
salaries for 2011 will be determined during
the next union contract negotiations. For
more information about the University,
see .
Application review began October, 22,
2010. Please submit letter of application,
curriculum vitae, 3 letters of reference, and
a statement of teaching philosophy to: Leah
Dilworth, Co-Chair, English Department, Long
Island U., One University Plaza, Brooklyn, NY
LIU is an AA/EOP Employer.